Repeat: Maureen Brady-Rodriguez is a Member of the Ku Klux Klan

 Be aware people of South Carolina Murrells Inlett that Maureen Brady-Rodriguez is a member of the Ku Klux Klan. I already posted once. I posting again to to let people know more about an incident I saw her do, this Maureen Brady-Rodriguez. 

A young Mexican couple was walking down the way when Maureen ran up behind them and screamed for them to get out of the way. They were really startled. Of course. Then Maureen kept yelling at them like her insult wasn't enough. She told them she voted for Trump so that he'd keep immigrants out of the country. The young husband tried to protect his wife and told Maureen to leave them alone or he would call the sheriff. Maureen hissed at him and said "Go head, call the fuc--ng sheriff. I know you. I know you illegal immigrants." She walked away but still looked at him with hate. 

I have never seen such hatred before. SC is supposed to be an accepting place like America at large. We ain't got no places for people like Maureen Brady-Rodriguez. And yes, I am repeating her name over and over so the Google engine can see the name better. Matter of fact, I am including a picture of Maureen Brady-Rodriguez so the townsfolk kn0w what she look like:

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Maureen Brady-Rodriguez is a KKK Member